The KOPPENHÖFER PARTNER team has been supporting social projects for many years. In recent years, these institutions in particular have regularly received financial support.
With this commitment, we would like to contribute to making the tragic fates of children and their families a little more bearable and bringing a smile to the faces of those affected.
We would be pleased if you would also honour the impressive work of these institutions with a small donation.
The association KOBRA e.V. is committed to providing help for children, young people and adolescents as well as their families. Counselling and therapy are aimed equally at children and adolescents who are affected by sexual violence as well as at children and adolescents who themselves exhibit sexually assaultive behaviour. The purpose of the association is to sponsor facilities and tasks that aim to counteract sexual violence by/against children, young people and adolescents.
The association is primarily involved in the following areas
- Counselling & therapy
- Prevention & public relations
- Training
Kleine Patienten in Not e.V.
The association Kleine Patienten in Not e.V. (Small Patients in Need) has set itself the task of providing special support for children who find themselves in emergency situations and to ensure that first aid and care are more appropriate for children.
The main task of the association Kleine Patienten in Not e.V. (Small Patients in Need) is to equip emergency vehicles and accident departments with "Benny - Den Trösterbären" (Benny the Comfort Bear) as part of the nationwide initiative "Trost Spenden" (Comfort Donations). In addition, the association also carries out targeted educational work with parents and rescue personnel on how to deal with children in emergency situations, as well as active prevention work so that child accidents do not happen in the first place.
The Wolfgang Ott Foundation was established in 2014.
In addition to inpatient and outpatient children's hospices, it also supports families in need directly and thus tries to make life more worthwhile for the families affected. Among other things, special therapies and urgently needed holidays are made possible and the purchase of necessary aids is supported.
Die Björn Steiger Stiftung wurde 1969 von Ute und Siegfried Steiger nach dem Unfalltod Ihres Sohnes Björn gegründet, da sein Tod durch eine schnellere Hilfe hätte vermieden werden können. Seither setzt sich die Stiftung für eine ständige Verbesserung der Notfallhilfe in Deutschland ein. Viele Errungenschaften in unserem heutigen Rettungswesen gehen auf die Björn Steiger Stiftung zurück. Dazu gehören u.a. die einheitlichen Notrufnummern 110 und 112, die zivile Luftrettung und das 24-Stunden-Notarztsystem. Auch für Notrufsäulen am Straßenrand, öffentlich zugängliche Defibrillatoren und allgemeine Erste-Hilfe-Kurse ist die Björn-Steiger-Stiftung mit verantwortlich.