Koppenhöfer + Partner GmbH
Architects Engineers Planners
Office for Industrial Construction
Sigmaringer Str. 121 | D-70567 Stuttgart
P +49 711 71 90-0 | F +49 711 71 90-199
Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 17052
VAT-IdNo DE169502935
Managing Director:
Peter Fischer
General responsibility for content:
This online offer consists of our own editorial content and, in part, that of third parties obtained through links. No guarantee is given for the correctness of the content and all liability is excluded. With regard to external content to which links exist, we expressly distance ourselves from the content of these Internet pages in accordance with the judgement of the Hamburg Regional Court of 12 May 1998.
The following applies to all links: Koppenhöfer + Partner GmbH has no influence on the content and design of the linked pages. The use of links leading to pages outside is at the user's own responsibility.
The layout of the website, the graphics used and the collection of contributions are protected by copyright.
Concept & Design:
Dipl. Designerin Isabelle Lehar, Esslingen